Barriers Of The Badge #ShotsFired
Who polices the police is the question that Raymond Hicks would like to know. Raymond suffered injustice all in the name of Justice... For standing up for human rights and upholding the law caused Raymond to loose everything. Yet and still his integrity remains. Raymond was humiliated and stripped of everything that he worked hard for except for his family. He was able to tell his true and heartbreaking story on March 25, 2017 at the Barriers Of The Badge press conference. Media such as Big Man Kelly Show, Good News Goulds Magazine, DaGr8 FM, Urban Missionary TV, Universal Grind, What America Looks Like, and more were there to capture the story that took place in Raymond's life. Special guest consist of Kourtney Wimberly, Stanford Ellis, and Khalilah Ali (Muhammad Ali's ex-wife) and special guest host "Davi" of The Wonder Twinz. Raymond is still fighting for justice. Till this day there has been no apology nor compensation for what was done to Raymond and his family. His oldest daughter Martrice did a very heartfelt poem, a very powerful and emotional piece. "I'm Still Standing" "We Still Standing"...#ShotsFired